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4 Lucky Dogs Foster Application
Our motto is to Rescue, Rehab, Rehome, and Repeat. Pets need homes and people need pets, so our goal is to enable those matches. We depend on foster homes to care for our rescued pets and look forward to receiving your foster application to possibly become part of the 4LD family.
Please click to read about the 4LD foster care program before applying.
Pet you are applying for Choose an animal: Augustus Bailey & Milo Benson Cindy Lou Dahlia Daisy D Eynstein Henry George Louie 2.0 Maizie Petey Puddin’ Reef Ruby Sailor Shakes Star Titus
If pet is not listed in the above drop down, type the name of the pet you are applying for. If you are filling out application for 4LD to keep on file for upcoming pets, enter 'ANY' or list specific breed you are hoping to get.
If you are applying for a specific pet, explain what about this pet and his/her description has you interested in bringing him/her into your home.
Below is initial data that we need on all applicant(s). If called for a phone interview, we may ask for a birth date and driver's license number if a background check needs to be run.
Applicant's age range*
Co-Applicant's First and Last Name (if two adults in the household).
Co-Applicant's Age Range (if two adults in the household).
Foster co-applicant's phone number (if applying as household).
Do you have a current and valid driver's license? If so from what state? If contacted for fostering 4LD may ask for the license number and birth date.
Can you provide transportation to and from your home to our 4LD veterinarians that are in the Riverview/Brandon (Florida) area?
Rescue pets have different needs based on age, personality, or something in their past. Some will fit well with family members that are working away from the house and some will need people being at home a lot. The questions below are to determine work/home situations to help match it to specific pet.
This is a section if working and a section if not working - you only need to fill in one.
Applicant's work information 1. Current Employer 2. Occupation 3. How many years there (must include all in the answer).
Applicant's work situation (check all that apply).
Co-Applicant's work information 1. Current Employer 2. Occupation 3. How many years there (must include all in the answer).
Co-applicant's work situation (check all that apply).
If either applicant is mostly at home because of being stay-at-home-parent, caretaker, retired, not needing to work, disabled, etc. please enter that information here.
How many total people live in the household?*
Do any other adults 18 and over (other than the applicants) live in the household? If yes enter for each 1. Name -- 2. Age -- 3. Relation (must include all in the answer).
Do any children under the age of 18 live in the household? If yes enter for each 1. Name -- 2. Age -- 3. Relation (must include all in the answer).
What type of visitors come regularly to the house and with what type of frequency? For example, grandchildren, senior parents, cleaning people, babysitters, etc. Some rescue pets are happy to be part of a very active household and some get scared of strangers coming into their new home. We are asking this question to match what we discovered when evaluating the animal of how the pet will react.
Describe your household and lifestyle using at least 100 words. For example: quiet, active, always on the go, always home, etc. There is no right or wrong answer - we are just trying to match the specific pet's personality to what will fit in well.
Does anyone in the home have an allergy to pets or have asthma?
The reason we are asking the below questions is because some pets are fine by themselves without humans for periods of time, and other pets depend on people around constantly. We understand answers may depend on the specific pet such as some do need to be crated during training. These answers will help us determine the best pet for your lifestyle.
How many hours on average will the pet be alone without humans during a day (24 hours)?
Where will the new pet "hang out" during the day (7am to 10pm) and what type of activities will he/she do? If weekdays and weekends are different due to work schedules, please describe each.
What options will the new pet have of where to sleep in your house (check all that are possible)? The question is for options since animals also have preferences of their own.
If you currently have pets in your household fill in the section below. If not continue to the next section.
Some of the adoptable pets will be best as an only animal, some need a companion animal, and some are fine either way. The below questions are to help us match your household to the specific pet we have available.
For each animal you currently have living in your household, please list.... a. Name -- b. Current age -- c. How long you've had the animal (must include all in your answer).
For each animal currently living in your household, please list.... a. Breed/Species -- b. Gender -- c. Weight (must include all in answer).
Is EACH pet currently neutered or spayed? 4LD requires this response for other dogs living in the home.
Describe activity level and personality of your current pet(s) and how you predict they will act if another pet joins the family.
Enter name of veterinarian/clinic and its phone number that you are presently or recently used.
In order for the vet to access the correct records, what pet name and owner name were listed on them?
What type of home do you live in?
Do you own or rent your home?
Do you have a yard in the back of the house, or grassy area/walking path close to your home?
Where will the pet go to the bathroom and how will he/she get exercise (if pet is the type that needs it)?
If you have a fence fill in below information. If you do not have a fence continue to the next section.
Some of the pets require a fence based on their activity level or desire to stay near the house while some of the pets are fine to be taken outside on a leash. These questions are to match the pets who need a fence to what your home has.
What is the height of your fence?
What type of fence or enclosed area do you have? (check all that apply)
Does your fence fully enclose the yard?
When are you available to start fostering? Immediately or after specific date?
What is the maximum time you are able to foster? If there is a time limit, please explain. If your hope/plan is to keep the dog as a permanent part of your family (4LD foster-to-adopt program) what would be a reasonable amount of time for you to foster him/her to know this answer.
Do you have any out-of-town trips planned in the next two months where you would not be able to care for the foster dog during that time? We ask this question in case we need to arrange for a fill-in foster to temporarily watch the dog or arrange for boarding during that time.
Do you have any special circumstances/requirements that we should be aware of (health issues, commitments, family schedules, etc.)?
How many foster dogs are you able to have at the same time? Sometimes we get bonded pairs into the rescue and need fosters who are willing to take both.
What is your daily routine and how do you see a foster dog fitting into it?
Do you agree that a 4LD volunteer can do a home check so we can find out more about the environment where the foster dog would live?
Have you ever fostered pets before? This is not a requirement - it is just a question to help us determine the best pet for you.
If you previously fostered, was it for other rescues or on your own to help an animal? What type(s) of animals and how often? If for other rescues please list the rescue's name.
How would you describe the level of experience with dogs? This answer can be for yourself or for other adults in the household.
If you have pet experience, how did you acquire it?
What size dog(s) do you have experience with?
What type of care, activities, or teaching has anyone in the household performed with dogs?
If you have children or grandchildren, are they used to being around dogs?
What type of dog are you willing to foster (check all that apply)?
What size dog are you interested in fostering (check all that apply)?
If we are able to find out ahead of time, what energy level of the pet would fit in with your household and current pets?
Are there specific breeds you would like to foster?
Are there any pets you would NOT want to foster (breeds, size, age, shedding, etc.)?
Do you require that the pet has any of traits? We will try to accommodate but we do not always know about the dogs coming in the rescue.
Please tell us anything not asked in the above questions that you would like us to know to help match you with the right foster animal.
What scenarios or situations would you NOT want, or feel you could not handle, with a foster dog? We do not know much about the foster dog when he/she first comes into rescue but if we know of any of these issues, we can place them elsewhere.
What reasons might you return a foster animal back to 4LD before it is permanently adopted (check all that apply)?
How will you handle the introduction and/or problems that may arise with your current pets (if you have any)?
Are there areas of the home where your foster pet will not be allowed? How will you handle restricting a foster dog from going there?
Why do you want to foster (check all that apply)?
What role would you like to have as a foster parent?
How did you hear about 4 Lucky Dogs Pet Rescue and/or which prompted you to apply for one of our pets (check all that apply)?
If you previously adopted from 4LD we would like to find your file. Please list 1. Name of the pet -- 2. Year adopted -- 3. Who the adopter's name is listed as.
If you were referred by someone to 4LD, or met someone from at a 4LD event, enter any information such as his/her name or event name/date to help us know more about you.
------------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND SIGNATURE ------------
4LD makes every effort to provide accurate history and assessment of the dog, but we are not able to guarantee the dog’s age, breed, medical status, behavior, or disposition. No one can predict how any dog will react in each situation, especially without complete knowledge of its background, as in the case with a rescued dog.
Does everyone in the household want and agree about bringing the pet into the home including the responsibilities that come with having a pet? *
Is there anything you would like to tell 4LD not mentioned in any of the questions that you think would be important when considering your application?
If you would like to 4LD to learn more about you through your posts insert your social media links. That will give 4LD an opportunity to read about you and discover things that may have not been asked in the questions above.
PLEASE CONFIRM To the best of my knowledge all the answers that I entered on this form are accurate and correct. I am entering my first and last name as an electronic signature. *
I am entering today's date in the text box to accompany my signature when this application/agreement is being submitted. *
Thank you for completing all the questions applicable to you. Because we are solely a volunteer organization, we ask that you be patient with how soon we are able to respond to your application.
If you did not apply for a specific pet when filling out the application, please let us know if a pet that you want appears on the 4LD website or in 4LD social media posts. We will then move your application over to that dog's profile so it will considered in addition to the other applicants who applied for him/her. You can email with that request.
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