Golden Retriever (long coat) : : Male (not neutered) : : Adult : : Large
Learn more about the Golden Retriever. Cody needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping him get a new start?
Please welcome 7-yr old Cody into rescue! Thank you Debbie Cousins Munholand-Pierson for picking him up today and riding in the back with him to your house to help him feel comfortable. Debbie is a lifelong Golden owner and rescuer and adopted our Bailey from us last year. After running around with Debbie’s two Goldens this afternoon, Cody was out like a light on the cool tile floor. Cody has lived as a single dog, so before putting him with Debbie’s dogs, he was dog tested at the park. He did great and loved them all!! Cody is a big dog at approximately 100 pounds and could lose a little weight. We anticipate this is going to happen at Debbie’s house!! He will need to take it slow as he is not accustomed to that level of exercise and we are in the Dog Days of August!! We will be taking applications for this gorgeous boy shortly at www.4Luckydogs.org.